Posted: July 20, 2017

From Katherine Mulski’s blog:
“I am, a huge advocate for professional learning and I often find myself applying much of what I learn teaching, into professional development sessions for local staff and regionally. The Edcamp, gave me a chance to choose which hat I wanted to wear for the day: the listener, the blogger, the social media tweeter, discussion participant. That is the beauty of the Edcamp model, no one is expecting you to pull out a bunch of links, resources or even the topic- much of this ends up presenting itself organically as a discussion begins, the and the group whether it be a parent, trustee, student or teacher- may provide and share their experiences, their tensions or simply listen to what fellow stakeholders in Education, are working towards. This is considered a non-hierarchical UN-conference, where attendees share their experiences in Education and no one is here to listen to just one person speak. I love this!”
New to EdCamp? Katherine Mulski’s blog post breaks it all down for you! Read more here.